Chabad of New Mexico Albuquerque


Chabad of New Mexico
4000 San Pedro Blvd. NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Telephone: (505) 880-1181 Fax: (505) 880-9722

The following information on the Chabad of New Mexico comes from the "Invitation for Bar Mitzvah of Aaron Aviaz Chaves." Aaron Aviaz Chaves became Bar Mitzvah 16 Kislev 5756 (9 December 1995). In the invitation, Aaron explained some of the practices observed by the Chabad of New Mexico.

"Upon entering the sanctuary, all males, whether Jewish or not Jewish, are requested to wear a kippah (yarmulke) or some other head covering (hat). Kippah's are available for use at the synagogue."

"Upon entering the sanctuary, all females, whether Jewish or not Jewish, are requested to wear a head covering. Some suggested head coverings are a hat, a small laced doily or small laced veil. The request for a head covering is done as a sign of reverence and modesty while praying to G-d."

"It is customary for all males to sit on the right side of the sanctuary and all females to sit on the left side of the sanctuary."

"Chabad of New Mexico services are conducted almost exclusively in Hebrew. The Hebrew spoken during services is the same as was used in the ancient days when Judaism was founded. "

"Individual participation and personal involvement are the essence of the prayer service. Prayers are in the first person plural -- prayers must include the community, since each person is a vital part of the community. On occasion during a prayer, congregates will bend at the knee and bow at the waist. This is a way of showing respect for G-d."

Chabad-Lubavitch is an international movement with headquarters in New York. Its major thrust focuses on observing for one's self and transmitting to others the beauty, depth, awareness and joy inherent in the Torah-true way of life. For more information, see the Chabad-Lubavitch World Wide Website.